Wednesday, March 9, 2011

downy woodpecker

I adore these wonderous birds

Ok, I am going to put up some pictures I got just like I did with the frogs and lizards!

side view of the head! ~~~~~~~~~~~And here is a head on view.

Here is a female looking for any ~~~~A male going at it! I really injoy
enemys. they do that alot. ~~~~~~~watching these wonderful birds! :)

As you can see from the pictures ~~This is a male. it almost looks
I put up in this post and in the last ~~like it is looking at me! :)
one, that the spots can vary from
one bird to another.

Well, I sure hope this blog is helping you! ;) Then I will post about the tufted titmouse! :D


  1. How did you get such nice closeups? I love the pictures!

  2. Thank-you! Well, we have 2 suets right out our windows! So, as you can imagine, it's pretty easy to get pictures. I just zoom in a little and there you go. It also helps that I have a pretty nice camera too. well, I am going to do a post on th tufted titmouse. :) I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day.
