Monday, October 3, 2011


Today my cat died.....Zippy. May she rest in peace! :(

Monday, August 15, 2011

Gray tree frog

The gray tree frog is the most common tree frog in the United States of America. Like it's name it is gray when it is an adult....but when young it is green.The gray tree frog has a little yellow on the back of it's leg too. Although some captive bred gray's lack the yellow. they like to hide under bark and leaves. in the spring you will find them on the road right after it has rained. only the males croak. And they croak at night and even more if it has just rained. The Eggs of a gray tree frog are light colored: gray above and white below, and are deposited in globular clusters, and sometimes they are deposited singly, on under water vegetation. They will hatch in 2-5 days, therefore they are hard to find. The tadpoles hatch at about a quarter of an inch in length and are a light yellow in color. Their maximum size is around 2 1/2 inches. And the full size tadpoles have an olive green body and a brick red tail. The tadpole stage lasts 1-2 months.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

it's almost been a year since.....

..........I got my gray tree frogs! So, I going to upload so old pictures and some new ones. I hope you like them!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Me with the tanks


the tank from this view.

Erin and Bingo.

Half of the tank

The whole tank

Okay, I have yet another setup. the other one just didn't work out. So here are some more pictures.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

since theses are live plants, I even have caterpillars in there!

There is Johnny

and bingo

half of the tank

and the other half.

OK, I REALLY need to get on with my bird posts. But.....I have been soooo busy. With the frogs and water dragon(not to mention my 6 siblings!lol)! it takes me about an hour and a half to just clean my frog tanks. then I have school during the day(but its almost summer break.So I should have more time). so, anyway I was just going to upload some more pictures of my frogs and A new setup I tried. And so far the setup seems to be working! so there are the pictures. A little later tonight I will maybe do a post on another green tree frog got a couple weeks ago. his name is Kermit! lol


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New froggy!!

I got rid of my anoles and got an american green tree frog! when I gave my anoles to the pet store I was really happy! They gave my a 5 dallor credit! :) Anyway, here are some pictues of her. it is a girl, her name is bingo! I hope you like the pictures!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My frog and lizard tank setup!

Above: johnny hiding!

So that's my setup! :)

Your bugy friend,
